
iMBA Future Leaders Forum

iMBA 未來領袖論壇

Thank you for choosing our event space to hold iMBA’s first youth forum. The event was held very lively. More than 80 guests attended the event, all seats were occupied. We appreciate and respect the entrepreneurial spirit and ideas of the three young guests. We believe a group of aspiring young people will shine in different fields through their strengths, interacting and creating value together.

Guest info:
Jane Weng, the founder of FLOROMA

Anita Lee, the founder and CEO of “Time To Go”

Tom Chan, the founder of the musical “Our Journal of Springtime” also a screenwriter, composer, lyricist, director and producer.


FDN venue rental and shooting inquiries:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 2741 1113

WhatsApp: 852 9544 5200