Your Next Event Venue, Impress Your Clients
Finest Design Nest (FDN) is an extraordinary co-working space designed for independent designers or people who run small creativity related business. We have a total area of 12,000 sq ft place at Lai Chi Kok and 90% of the area are made to be common area. Yet, FDN is not only a co-working space, it […]
繁忙的工作和學習,加上反覆的疫情,令大家經常感到喘不過氣來。 因此,常霖法師於2018年推出了第一冊《停一停·心呼吸》後,於最近推出第二冊新書。常霖法師和大家分享在察覺自己有情緒變化時,我們可以如何舒緩壓力,令自己心境更平和。 常霖法師在新書中編輯了10多個短篇,並邀請馮禮慈以香港式抵死幽默的文字風格,配合他的新派水墨作品,輕鬆地述說每一篇融入心靈的故事,或讓你對心中的執著可淡然釋懷,或對無常的世事,得到更深的領悟和嶄新的看法… 書中童真的手寫字體,更由香港女子擊劍運動員江旻憓親手執筆,能讓大家還未細讀內文已經有開心感覺。 為讓常霖法師的心意可傳揚及分享,我們將於 Finest Design Nest 免費派發新書《談笑用心 ‧ 停一停,心呼吸²》,以便大家取閱。 另外,我們將預留了50本新書,免費轉贈予有興趣的人士,歡迎聯絡我們,以便預留給大家取閱。 Finest Design Nest – 九龍荔枝角醫局西街1035-1037號匯華工廠大廈4樓C室。 如有任何查詢,歡迎聯絡我們。 編輯 + 攝影 : 常霖法師 文字 + 插畫 : 馮禮慈 手寫字體 : 江旻憓
FDN x HKIA Membership discount
1. Now joining Finest Design Nest Co-working Space as member,Either Room rental or Hot Desk, can enjoy 30 % discount. 2. All Finest Office Furniture Supplies,can enjoy 10% off discount
「Office Snapshots」 2021年度香港區首個報導
感謝 #Officesnapshots 報導Finest Design Nest Event Space! 這個網站報導很多全球知名的辦公室設計項目,要求設計水平也特別高, 挑選項目十分嚴格。我們Finest Design Nest 2018年曾報導過一次,今次擴建部份于2021年香港區域暫時只報導我們! 重溫2018年報導: 歡迎預約參觀Finest Design Nest! 期待可以與來自創意及創新範疇的朋友見面! 電話:+852 2741 1113 SHARE SPACE, SHARE MINDS.
Press : 職場王道 – 生命的室內設計師
Thank you Buddhist Compassion Bi-Weekly Magazine for the feature! Contact us for more information: Tel: 2741 1113
Renewable Energy Certificate
Thanks to CLP Power for the certificate. We have support the local renewable energy generation. Each unit of electricity carried in a Renewable Energy Certificate represents the electricity produced by local renewable energy sources including solar power, wind power and landfill gas projects, generated or purchased (such as through Feed-in Tariff Scheme) by CLP Power.
Press: 共享空間 Finest Design Nest 不敗之謎
Thank you East Week! Looking forward to meeting all the creative talents here in Finest Design Nest! Links as below: Contact us for more information: Tel: 2741 1113 Email: [email protected]
Press: 8,200呎鳥巢集結創意人才 疫市擴展設計圖書館
Thank you HK01! Looking forward to meeting all the creative talents here in Finest Design Nest! Links as below: Contact us for more information: Tel: 2741 1113 Email: [email protected]
Press: Pandemic broadens co-working horizons
Thank you The Standard! Feel free to visit us at Lai Chi Kok if any creative talents want to know more about Finest Design Nest! Links as below: Contact us for more information: Tel: 2741 1113 Email: [email protected]
Press: 優惠創意企業 共享工作空間疫市擴展
Contact us for more information: Tel: 2741 1113 Email: [email protected]